Page 8 - Eva Bosch: Shoes and Stars
P. 8
Elation and Disquiet
Eva Bosch was born in Catalonia (the home, let it not be forgo*en,
of Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró; and the country that kick-started the
career of Picasso–who never forgot the favour–to mention just three
of the artists whose work Eva would become an expert in, and admirer
of, over the years). Bosch has travelled to many di0erent places over
and over again on a kind of mission of permanent discovery of interna -
tional art, both modern, classic, and primitive. At !., her frequent trips
to the Louvre in Paris became a major source of inspiration, as would,
years later, Édouard Pie*e’s collection of prehistoric art in Saint
Germain-en-Laye. Italy, too, informs her work, as she travelled the
country and spent a year painting there. She also spent two years in
Amsterdam on a grant from the Rijksakademie. Other signi+cant trips
include a period as artist in residence in Anatolia, several other visits
to Turkey, an impor tant visit to Senegal to see the megalithic site at
Sine Nagayène, and another–also as an artist in residence–to Taiwan.
Of course, the longest journey she ever made in her life was to England,
where she has resided for the greater part of her life. Among other
in,uences–aside from the above-mentioned Catalan artists and the
prehistoric art she loves so much–she stresses Klee, the Québécois-
American artist Philip Guston, and the English +gurative painter
Ken Ki0, who became both a friend and a mentor.
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